Nacra F20 World Championship 2022 – Entry

All the organisation team is doing his best to organise our event.
You can contact us at any time via mail:

  • Entries received UNTIL 31/07/2022 will qualify for the early entry Fee : 270 Euros,
  • Entries received from 01/08/2022 and not later than 31/08/2022 will qualify for the  entry Fee : 320 Euros,
  • Entries received from 01/09/2022 and not later than 12/09/2022 will qualify for the  entry Fee : 400 Euros.


 Before your Entry, please:

  • check Entry Fees and Lunch Box or Accompanying Person Diner fees information on this page 
  • check mandatory documents needed for your Entry (Entry form, Insurance form, Measurement form, …)
  • check our General Conditions of Trading
 Your entry will be definitively valide only after payment !!!

 Lunch box, Accompanying Person Diner

You need to book your lunch boxes, diners and Accompanying Person meals at your Entry and not later than the day before at 17:00 the latest.
1 lunch box (for 1 person) – 7€
1 Accompanying Person Diner (for 1 person) – 25€



Online Entry

Parental Consent Form